Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ivan's "TROUT LAKE" Diet

One page is all you get = my simple approach for people on the go.

My friend/doctor Jack Rusen has introduced me to 2 glasses of ice water before every meal.

Forbidden products (direct or as ingredients): salt, sugar, cream, desserts, butter, white flour, red meat, white potatoes, white flour pasta, skin, deep-fried food, white rice, soft/high fat cheese, liquor (except a glass of red wine), soft drinks other than diet, desserts with sugar and/or milk products and/or white flour

Encouraged products: salads, vegetables (especially dark coloured ones), tomatoes, fruits, green tea, oatmeal, soy products, tofu, fish, white meat of chicken/turkey, salmon, garlic, prunes, bran products, vinegars, Canola oil, flax, brown/wild rice, almonds, skim milk, pepper, herbs, whole wheat flour products

Special treat: CocoaVia products

Approaches to meals:

Breakfast – soy/skim milk, oatmeal, shredded wheat/bran, egg beaters, fruit

Lunch – salad, fruit

Dinner – veggies/salad, meat or fish (not huge portions), fruit

Exercise is strongly recommended. At least, walk 30 minutes every day. Weight workouts are good. Not necessary to train for and complete 22 full (26.2 miles) Marathons as I have done, but it helps!

and, NEVER, NEVER eat even a mouthful after 8 PM

* Based on personal experience over 50 years, losing probably a TON of weight (and recently over 40 pounds in 6 months concentrating on this approach!) but still fighting to lose the fat that creeps back, probably due to metabolism that attracts fat … and an innate LOVE of food!
and have a look at the illustration of a
similar approach from the Mayo Clinic

1 comment: said...

Here are some comments from Barbara Moser, Jack Levit's niece in Montreal. Generally I agree with your approach. Most of it is common sense like not eating white flour products. But vinegar has got to be bad for you! Have fresh lemon instead with salads. What about olive oil? That's good too in moderation.
I'm on an almost no carb diet and have done well on it. I've also been on fit for life which I like because you don't have to worry about how much you are eating as long as you are eating vegetables. Oh and Fruit should be eaten before meals, not after.PS you have cute grandchildren.

FIVE special kiddies... my Wendy's Christopher; I am Zaida to Agnes + Henry, Esha is #1 and Shreya

FIVE special kiddies... my Wendy's Christopher; I am Zaida to Agnes + Henry,  Esha is #1 and Shreya
THE Grandson Christopher and click on his picture for Agnes' BLOG

My life of interest in art has led me to become a POTTER!

My life of interest in art has led me to become a POTTER!
My finest display ever ... I had a sale in the attrium at St Boniface Hospital - click on picture to see more work!

A Unique Role and delightful experience

A Unique Role and delightful experience
Appointed by the Province of Manitoba as a "Marriage Commissioner" and performed the ceremony for Sarah and Kevin on July 23/06 - they then went to Trout Lake for their honeymoon and took seriously Ivan's message to make Irene a Grandmother!!!