Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Grandson Christopher chose a unique way to celebrate his 6th Birthday

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FIVE special kiddies... my Wendy's Christopher; I am Zaida to Agnes + Henry, Esha is #1 and Shreya

FIVE special kiddies... my Wendy's Christopher; I am Zaida to Agnes + Henry,  Esha is #1 and Shreya
THE Grandson Christopher and click on his picture for Agnes' BLOG

My life of interest in art has led me to become a POTTER!

My life of interest in art has led me to become a POTTER!
My finest display ever ... I had a sale in the attrium at St Boniface Hospital - click on picture to see more work!

A Unique Role and delightful experience

A Unique Role and delightful experience
Appointed by the Province of Manitoba as a "Marriage Commissioner" and performed the ceremony for Sarah and Kevin on July 23/06 - they then went to Trout Lake for their honeymoon and took seriously Ivan's message to make Irene a Grandmother!!!