Friday, November 16, 2007

A "Big Heart Award" for Ivan

I was delighted at the Annual Meeting, Nov. 15/07, of the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Manitoba, to be presented with their prestigious "Big Heart Award". As I spoke in response, the Heart Foundation truly changed my life. In 35 years of involvement, I focused on my own Heart Health; I was fortunate to be able to serve as the first Chair of Public Fund Raising; President of HSFM; and on the Board and Fund Raising Committee of the HSF of Canada. Through them, I was exposed to the management of their exhibition; visited the massive A H A show and was inspired to create such events in Winnipeg. This interest led me to Dr. Naranjan Dhalla and over the past 15 years, he has given me the opportunity to do the work for which I have developed such a passion and built so many wonderful friendships around the world. And, I think we continue to make inroads against the global pandemic of cardiovascular disease.

1 comment:

Rick Olson said...

January 11, 2008

Hello Ivan,

My name is Rick Olson and our connection goes back 30 years and I believe you will be amused as to way I am corresponding to you in 2008. My email address is "" I look forward to hearing from you.

FIVE special kiddies... my Wendy's Christopher; I am Zaida to Agnes + Henry, Esha is #1 and Shreya

FIVE special kiddies... my Wendy's Christopher; I am Zaida to Agnes + Henry,  Esha is #1 and Shreya
THE Grandson Christopher and click on his picture for Agnes' BLOG

My life of interest in art has led me to become a POTTER!

My life of interest in art has led me to become a POTTER!
My finest display ever ... I had a sale in the attrium at St Boniface Hospital - click on picture to see more work!

A Unique Role and delightful experience

A Unique Role and delightful experience
Appointed by the Province of Manitoba as a "Marriage Commissioner" and performed the ceremony for Sarah and Kevin on July 23/06 - they then went to Trout Lake for their honeymoon and took seriously Ivan's message to make Irene a Grandmother!!!